Use "its kind of you|it kind of you" in a sentence

1. You made it a kind of fable.

2. That new form you have... It kind of suits you

3. And can you do it kind of soon?

4. And it was like a lot of you, kind of a prosaic example, kind of trite.

5. Kind of reckless of you.

6. You kind of dissect it and write grammar stuff.

7. I'm just kind of... rolling through it, you know?

8. You some kind of neurologist?

9. That's very kind of you.

10. It's awfully kind of you.

11. You look kind of frowsty.

12. That's kind of you, pet.

13. It's just kind of -- you just have to learn it.

14. But if you ask the right kind of question, or you work it in the right kind of way, interesting things can emerge.

15. It kind of makes you wish you had signed up for the submarines?

16. What kind of shopper are you?

17. What kind of scribbler are you?

18. What kind of monk are you?

19. Its name Arachnocampa luminosa might give you the idea that it is a kind of luminous spider.

20. I guess it's been kind of rough on you, hasn't it?

21. To have the kind of tropical rainforest you want, you needed to have the right kind of jungle dirt.

22. What kind of wine do you have?

23. What are you, some kind of pervert?

24. What are you, some kind of impostor?

25. What kind of trouble are you in?

26. And he kind of nodded, you know?

27. Are you some kind of independence fighter?

28. What kind of movies do you like?

29. What Kind of Vessel Will You Be?

30. What kind of shampoo do you use?

31. What kind of sports do you like?

32. What kind of juice do you want?

33. Can you streamline this kind of airship?

34. What kind of bike messenger are you?

35. What kind of a racket are you...

36. So you have that kind of courage?

37. It's kind of soul-crushing, you know?

38. You know, the kind of scale you weigh yourself on.

39. You have kind eyes.

40. Priest, you are kind

41. You know what kind of hole you got me into?

42. It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe?

43. You can make it a quartic equation. Make it kind of harder, calculating-wise.

44. What kind of people do you hang outwith?

45. What kind of person would you find reassuring?

46. That kind of courage could get you killed.

47. What the fuck kind of priest are you?

48. What kind of house do you live in?

49. Can you amplify what kind of legal assistance?

50. Because you kind of smell like a distillery.

51. 25 What are you, some kind of nut?

52. What kind of hunter are you, anyway... Princess?

53. What kind of music do you listen to?

54. 13 What kind of sports do you like?

55. What kind of Afreet did you say you were looking for?


57. That's very kind of you to visit her.

58. "That's kind of you, Sally," Claire said gratefully.

59. 4 What kind of shampoo do you use?

60. Congratulations Lyrics: Angelica? / Alexander / Congratulations! / You have invented a new kind of stupid: / “A damage you can never undo” kind of stupid / …

61. It was very kind of you to accommodate us withthe tickets of our journey.

62. And you have to break this kind of negative cycle before it begins.

63. It could well be that you have agoraphobia or some kind of depression.

64. Sam, whatever kind of intervention you think this is, trust me, it ain't.

65. If you Cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word

66. You have a kind heart.

67. If you Cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought

68. Alexander Congratulations You have invented a new kind of stupid A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid 'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid Let's review You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you I

69. Lots and lots of Bratsthe kind you eatthe good kind! You can experience all of this and more on Friday and Saturday, Oct

70. Amable adj kind, nice es usted muy Amable you are very kind si es tan Amable if you would be so kind ser Amable con algn to be kind to sb, be nice to sb ¡qué Amable ha sido usted trayéndolo! how kind of you to bring it! ¡muy Amable! thanks very much, that's very kind, that's very kind of you sea tan Amable (como para), si es tan Amable (como para) (LAm) please be so kind as to

71. You think standing on the sidelines makes you some kind of hero?

72. You manipulate people because you can't handle any kind of real relationship.

73. Studies show that any kind of learning, any kind of mind engaging game play is fantastic for you.

74. I think you have strength of a different kind.

75. You could be carrying some kind of alien pathogen.

76. What kind of car do you have in mind?

77. What kind of price did you have in mind?

78. I was wondering what kind of work you did.

79. This is the kind of place you get knifed.

80. You end up like some kind of rabid windmill.